Friday, January 30, 2009

I'm gonna stop with the lyric Titles.

I'm aware.
And I hate it.
Errg. Why does this have to be so awkward?
I don't know exactly where I stand with him right now. So, I'm just gonna stay in one place.


And you never thought you'd be so slow. First one to the steps when I say go.

So... I've been kinda neurotic lately...
And I fear I'm gonna pay the price.
So, tonight I have to leave all my new found craziness at the door.

I am determined to be your friend. If something more should come from that, when the time comes I may welcome that. Or I may not. I need to start letting things happen as they happen. Live in the moment, not the future. Errg me for not doing that before!
Ya live and ya learn.
C'est la vie.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Eisenhower is the father of the Interstate Highway System

So there are two shows that I plan on seeing:

March 20th. The Hot Toddies. Knitting Factory. Los Angeles.
Going with John, (maybe Ben?). Meeting Jason, Amber, (and her BF?) and The Hot Toddies! Those chicks are awesome.
Crashing at Amber's place.

April 3rd. Great Lake Swimmers. Bottom of the Hill. San Francisco.
Going (with John?, Ben?). Meeting Rachel, Amber, (and her BF?). Definitely buying both vinyl albums. :]
Crashing at Rachel's place.

Both should be a lot of fun.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

You called me up because I'm sober and you wanted me to drive...

Reality television.
Yes, there are better things to watch.
Yes, I should probably be doing some homework.
But, Sober House. It is great.
I also need to catch up with The Real World: Brooklyn.

I'm currently renovating my room.
It is not fun.
We removed my behemoth of a bed today. Bleh... I need to bathe...
Now my room seems empty.
But it is okay. Soon there shall be new paint and carpet and furniture.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Our fingers interlaced, we'll jump into the sun.

No details.

If you want to know what happened, I have probably already told you or am planning to.

I am just really, really happy with how the evening went.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Your hair was long when we first met

Starbucks tomorrow.
The promise of good things yet to come.
Trying not to go too fast with this, don't want to overwhelm him, or myself for that matter.

Saturday: Revolutionary Road, Borders, sushi, a guy I like. What could be better?
That is when I am sure I'll figure out if we'll be able to piece together a relationship.

Too soon? Probably. I have only known the guy for a short while. But he gets me.

Take me away into the night Ms. Regina Spektor.
"I wish I'd see your face below
I wish I'd hear you whispering low
But you don't live downtown no more
And everything must come and go..."

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Oh! And I found this boy

I met an amazing guy.
Had a very good first meeting.
Can't wait until the next one.
So very, very happy at the moment.

Monday, January 19, 2009

The bitch went nutz!

Ok. I just need to vent something. Some people are assholes!

I had just gotten to work today and one woman ruined the rest of my afternoon.
She was about 40 years old and had her 11 or 12 year old son with her. She had a fair sized cart load of groceries so I had Jordan box out for me. Right off the bat I had made a mistake in her eyes.

Woman: Uh! My pears...
Me: Oh, sorry. See, they are okay.
Woman: *scoffs* I have to pay for those.
They were bosc pears, the most durable of pears...
I grab the apples, which are overfilled in a flimsy plastic produce bag. The bag rips as I place it on the scale and then "the bitch went nuts"...
Woman: Oh c'mon! Now my apples are bruised. Do I need to get Rob over here?...
Me: I'm sorry about that.
Woman: I don't like my bread smushed either. Don't be careless.
I don't mention that she had stuffed the bag too full and just continue scanning groceries. Then I get to the yogurt.
Woman: Those were 10 for $5. The sign said so.
Me: Are you sure it was this kind? It is only the Original or Whips, I believe.
Woman: *sigh* Here, Wyatt, go get the ones with the silver tops. Whatever kind you like.
I continue scanning.
A bottle of Western Family brand Lite Maple Syrup.
Woman: That was supposed to be $1.19.
She is getting really short with me.
Me: Jordan can you go check the price of this for me? Ma'am are you sure it was this one? If the paper signs are not underneath the item it isn't on sale.
Woman: Yes! You act as though I can't shop. I am in here almost every day.
She isn't.
Her son comes back and I scan one of the yogurts.
Me: This is the Thick & Creamy kind. It is $0.69. Only the Original and Whips are $0.50.
Wyatt: You said the ones with the silver tops. That's the kind I got.
Woman: Go back and get the right ones.
Wyatt: But you said-
Woman: -Go!!
He takes off.
God forbid she pay $0.19 more for a cup of yogurt...
Jordan comes back with the price of the syrup.
Jordan: $1.99.
Me: So do you still want this one?
Woman: *grunts* Yeah.
Her son comes back with the right yogurts.
Woman: Why did you get that syrup? Couldn't you see that it wasn't on sale?
Wyatt: I didn't get the syrup. You did.
She ignores this.
I finish with her groceries.
Me: Your total is $163.55
Woman: What?
Me: Your total is-
Woman: -I heard you, it just can't be that much. You scanned too many yogurts didn't you.
I show her the list.
Me: 6 and 4, thats 10.
She hands me a check made out for $200.
I don't argue with her and let her know that she can only make it out for $10 over because I want her to get the fuck out of my face. I give her her change and tell her to have a nice day. On her way out I hear her tell her son:
Woman: Pick up the pace. We need to get these in the car and head over to Savemart.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Why do you let me stay here?

I love this video.
Zooey makes me incredibly happy.
Her character in Weeds was phenomenal!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Can I get a little fading on? (fade it fade it)

My friend hit me in the head with a waterbottle tonight.
I'm not happy.

El Orfanato was great. Guillermo Del Toro is a genius. He has an ability to blend fear and beauty and make you feel uplifted.

I love Björk again. I have determined that she is the most beautiful woman in the world.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Scarface, bitch.

Rap lyrics make me laugh!

I've decided to go back to Oslo. At any cost. I keep thinking back to my trip to Sweden and Norway. It was amazing. I wish I hadn't been by myself. Next time I go I'll have someone with me. We can go see the statues and gardens and peruse the record stores and bistros.
And I will eat whale and reindeer.

Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey

So I found the coolest keychain ever a couple weeks ago:

Mugen Puni Puni EDAMAME Beans Electrical Popping Key Chain

My personal name for it is Puni Puni Edamame Keychain (Oh?!...)
I need this. But thinkgeek is on backorder for it.
Oh well.

In other news, I got some more vinyl records:
Georgie James - Places
Los Campesinos! - We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed
Flight of the Conchords - Flight of the Conchords

Oh! And I found this AMAZING music video!!

I need sleep.
Work at 9:15 tomorrow(today).

Monday, January 12, 2009

I could teach you, but I'd have to charge...

So I have this Pioneer PL-600 turntable that I bought used at a record store in the Tower District.

I love it.

Physical media > Digital media.

I have a wishlist of records that I want at the moment:

Camera Obscura -- Let's Get Out Of This Country
Fleet Foxes -- Fleet Foxes (w/ Giant Sun EP)
Feist -- The Reminder (coloured vinyl?)
Great Lake Swimmers -- Ongiara
Kings Of Convenience -- Quiet Is The New Loud
Georgie James -- Places
Jenny Lewis with The Watson Twins -- Rabbit Fur Coat
Flight Of The Conchords -- Flight Of The Conchords
The Teenagers -- Reality Check
Rilo Kiley -- Under The Blacklight
The Killers -- Day & Age
CSS -- Lets Make Love and Listen To Death From Above (7" single)
CSS -- Donkey
The 1900s -- Everybody's Got a Collection (7" single)

The observation I am doing could Easily be understood As cynical demeanour

So, I started a blog.
Your thanks can be given to the Floyd sisters Rachel and Hannah.

I have a lot to learn and very little to blog about.

But in my attempts to insert something interesting into this unimportant bit of URL I'll post the lyrics to the song for which this blog got its name.

If you wanna be my friend
You want us to get along
Please do not expect me to
Wrap it up and keep it there
The observation I am doing could
Easily be understood
As cynical demeanour
But one of us misread...
And what do you know
It happened again

A friend is not a means
You utilize to get somewhere
Somehow I didn't notice
friendship is an end
What do you know
It happened again

How come no-one told me
All throughout history
The loneliest people
Were the ones who always spoke the truth
The ones who made a difference
By withstanding the indifference
I guess it's up to me now
Should I take that risk or just smile?

What do you know
It happened again
What do you know